So, you listed your car on Fluid, and you're ready to rumble. Now what?

Below are some important tips for how to make your vehicle lender experience as easy (and successful!) as possible. Check them out!

1. Lock It Up

Did you know there's an Instabook feature on the app? It can double or even triple your reservation numbers by having it turned on. But what if somebody wants to borrow it at 3 in the morning? What if you're at work? Not to worry - lockboxes make things autonomous and easy. Fluid has a feature where you can put a lockbox code into the pick-up inspection, so the borrower won't get the key until the reservation has begun. That way, you don't have to be there to hand off the key but will still know they've completed the vehicle inspection!

2. Keep An Eye On it

We understand that renting out your vehicle can be a bit nerve-wracking, so why not invest in a GPS tracker for your car? We highly recommend Zubie or Hum to keep track of your car's location, speed, and even fuel level. Peace of mind, and you can see when it's returned to you!

3. Park It

Moving your vehicle to a high-traffic area can increase your reservations drastically. Consider trying different neighborhoods than your own to place your car - if you have both a lockbox and a GPS tracker, you won't have to worry about it! Or, you can alternate between your home and a new neighborhood so you can keep an eye on it if you don't have a GPS tracker.

Utilizing these three tips will make your lending experience hassle-free and simple. Let's get you some reservations!

As always, if you ever need any assistance with your vehicle listings or reservations, you can contact us at

- The Fluid Team

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