Manage your organization's information

December 19, 2023

Congrats on successfully signing up for a business account! Read the instructions below or watch our videos to see how you can manage all your organization management information.

Fluid Truck App

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Now that you have successfully signed up for a business account, click the account menu in the left-hand corner.
  2. Click on the Organization Management Tab in the main menu.
  3. Within the tab, you will be able to edit company information, upload COI documents, update the number of Vehicles, and invite team members to join the organization.
  4. First, to edit the company name, click on your Company Name.
  5. In order to change the company name, simply type in the new name. To complete, click the Submit Changes button. Returning to the main Organization Management Tab, you can now see the updated Company Name.
  6. If you have not completed your Certificate of Insurance, click on COI not completed.
  7. On the new page, click on Upload New COI? to start the uploading process.
  8. An alert popup will ask for Fluid Truck to access your photos on the device. Select the option that fits your needs to continue. Follow the workflow on your device to upload your COI to the Fluid app.
  9. Once a COI picture has been uploaded successfully, the image can be seen on the Certificate of Insurance screen. Click the Submit COI Document button. An alert will pop up confirming that a COI has been uploaded. Back on the Certificate of Insurance screen, it can be seen that the status has changed to COI under review. This will be reviewed by a FluidTruck member.
  10. To update the number of vehicles associated with your organization, click on <X> Vehicles option.
  11. You will be taken to the Request More Vehicles Page. Edit the number of Vehicles for your organization at a given time, and then click the Request Vehicles button at the bottom of your screen.
  12. Returning to the main Organization Management tab, you can now see your updated Vehicles.

Congrats! You have updated your Organization Management Information.

Fluid Truck Website

Written Step-by-step Instructions coming soon.

If applicable: Activating the charger with RFID
If the charging station requires RFID activation, check your keys for an RFID tag.

Follow these steps:
1. Activate the charging station by tapping the tag against the charging station. 
2. Wait for the charger to activate.
3. Plug the charger into the vehicle. 
4. Make sure the vehicle is charging before leaving.