Create a personal account

January 25, 2024

Welcome to Fluid Truck! We offer our customers the ability to create personal and/or business accounts dependent on their preferred usage. Watch our videos or read the step-by-step instructions below to create a Personal Account through our app or website.

Fluid Truck App

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Download the App of your choice. When you open the application, you will land on the home screen.
  2. Select the Sign Up button to create a new account. If you already have an account, click Log in.
  3. Enter in the requested account information. The phone number you enter here will be the same phone number we send a verification code to in a later step.
  4. Select No Thanks to a business profile.
  5. To verify the phone number you entered in step three. A verification code will be sent to that same number. Enter the provided seven-digit code into the Fluid Truck App to continue the verification process. 
  6. Once completed, press Submit.

Congrats! You have successfully set up your personal Fluid Truck account.

Fluid Truck Website

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Visit Click on the icon of the person in the top right corner.
  2. Select the Sign Up button to create a new account. If you already have an account, click Log In.
  3. Enter in the requested account information. The phone number you enter here will be the same phone number we send a verification code to in a later step.
  4. Select No Thanks to create a Personal Profile.
  5. Make sure to 'Accept Terms & Conditions and click Submit & Finalize Account.
  6. To verify the phone number you entered in step three. A verification code will be sent to that same number. Enter the provided seven-digit code into the Fluid Truck App to continue the verification process. 
  7. Once completed, press Submit.

Congrats! You have successfully set up your personal Fluid Truck account through the website.

If applicable: Activating the charger with RFID
If the charging station requires RFID activation, check your keys for an RFID tag.

Follow these steps:
1. Activate the charging station by tapping the tag against the charging station. 
2. Wait for the charger to activate.
3. Plug the charger into the vehicle. 
4. Make sure the vehicle is charging before leaving.