As the world grapples with pressing environmental concerns, the dialogue surrounding sustainable energy intensifies. 

A standout contender in this discourse is hydrogen, presenting an unparalleled potential to tackle the energy crisis. Its unique attributes, marked by sustainable production, extensive storage capabilities, and a relatively small environmental footprint; position hydrogen as a transformative force in our pursuit of a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Could the most abundant element in the known universe be the answer to clean energy? Let’s dive into what it means to have a future powered by hydrogen: 

How it works

The byproduct of hydrogen fuel is solely water, and its diverse sources—natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, and renewable options like solar and wind—contribute to its accessibility. With its ease of availability and environmentally friendly byproducts, hydrogen emerges as a compelling alternative for powering our world.

Fuel cell cars rely on compressed hydrogen gas to power their unique engines. Unlike traditional vehicles that burn gasoline, these cars use a cutting-edge technology called a fuel cell stack. This stack is like a small powerhouse that converts the chemical energy in hydrogen into electrical energy.

The generated electricity is then utilized to drive the car's electric motors, propelling it forward. Unlike traditional fuels, the only byproduct is pure water.

Before we go any further, let’s discuss the methods that hydrogen for fueling can be extracted. There are three main methods:

  1. Green Hydrogen: Produced by electrolysis, where water is split into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity from renewable sources like solar or wind power. This process is environmentally friendly and emits no carbon.
  1. Brown Hydrogen: Made from lignite or black coal using gasification, it generates significant CO2 emissions, making it less sustainable.
  1. Blue Hydrogen: A middle-ground approach, blue hydrogen is derived from natural gas through processes like steam methane reforming, coupled with carbon capture and storage (CCS) to reduce emissions. Though cleaner than brown, it's less sustainable than green hydrogen.

In summary, green hydrogen represents the ideal in terms of environmental sustainability, akin to clean, renewable energy generation. Brown hydrogen, while effective in production, is similar to traditional, high-emission coal power. Blue hydrogen offers a middle ground, attempting to mitigate the environmental impact of fossil fuel-based production through advanced technologies.

Potential industries for hydrogen 

Hydrogen fuel holds promise as a versatile and sustainable energy source, with potential benefits across various industries. Some industries that could particularly benefit from using hydrogen fuel include:

  • Transportation: Hydrogen fuel can power fuel cell vehicles, including cars, buses, trucks, and trains, offering a clean alternative to traditional fossil fuels and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector.
  • Manufacturing: Industries such as steel and chemical manufacturing can leverage hydrogen as a clean and efficient fuel for industrial processes, replacing conventional fossil fuels and reducing carbon emissions.
  • Power generation: Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity to power our homes, businesses, and public spaces. 
  • Aerospace: Hydrogen fuel is being explored as a potential fuel for aircraft, offering the aviation industry a cleaner alternative to traditional aviation fuels and reducing the carbon footprint of air travel. Aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus hope to introduce hydrogen fueling to the aviation industry by the year 2035. 
  • Maritime: Hydrogen fuel cells are being considered as a sustainable power source for ships, helping to reduce emissions in the maritime industry.

Benefits of hydrogen 

  1. Zero emissions: Hydrogen’s lack of toxic byproducts make it a clean fuel option with zero greenhouse gas emissions at the point of use, contributing to efforts to combat climate change.
  2. Versatility: Hydrogen can be used in a variety of applications, including transportation, power generation, industrial processes, and heating. Its versatility makes it suitable for addressing energy needs in many different sectors.
  3. Quick refueling: Refueling hydrogen vehicles is comparable to the time it takes to refuel conventional vehicles, providing a familiar and convenient experience for users.
  4. Reduced dependence on fossil fuels: When using the “Green Hydrogen” production method, Hydrogen can be produced from various sources, including renewable sources like solar and wind. 
  5. Storage and portability: Hydrogen can be stored and transported, making it a valuable option for energy storage and distribution. 

Concerns about hydrogen

Of course, progress doesn’t come without drawbacks. These are the concerns surrounding hydrogen as a fuel source:

  1. High costs: Users in California report paying nearly $36/kilogram for hydrogen fuel, in addition to unreliable fueling stations and a limited fueling network. Hydrogen is also very expensive to store and transport.  
  2. Highly flammable: Who can forget the iconic Hindenburg explosion? Hydrogen’s chemical makeup makes it highly flammable. It is also odorless and colorless, making it difficult to detect and prevent fires. 
  3. Emissions Concerns: While hydrogen itself serves as a zero-emissions fuel source, the production process paradoxically entails significant CO2 emissions. Green hydrogen is available but not as common in today’s fuel landscape.

Yes, hydrogen has its challenges, but what revolutionary idea doesn't?

Companies harnessing hydrogen

Let's delve into a closer examination of some notable players at the forefront of utilizing hydrogen to shape a more sustainable future:


Toyota, renowned for its leadership in electric vehicle manufacturing, is now extending its commitment to renewable energy by venturing into hydrogen fuel technology. The company has introduced its latest hydrogen prototype, the Toyota Cross Corolla H2

This unveiling signifies not only the exploration of a V8 hydrogen-powered engine but also a broader ambition to diversify Toyota's renewable energy portfolio beyond electric vehicles.


The oil giant has since ramped up its hydrogen investments, with $1 billion going toward hydrogen production in 2024 and 2025. The company has expanded its products across Europe, the United States, and Asia. It currently operates Europe’s largest renewable hydrogen plant

New Day Hydrogen

New Day Hydrogen is catalyzing the growth of local hydrogen markets in North America by deploying its cutting-edge HubStarter hydrogen production and fueling system.

These green, electrolytic systems, powered by just water and electricity, deliver a rapid and economical alternative to batteries, facilitating centralized fleets in their journey towards zero emissions.

Championing the future of sustainable transportation

At the moment, completely green energy is not exactly within reach. EV batteries require rare earth metals that come at an exorbitant cost, both to the Earth and humanity. Renewable energy from solar, water, and wind is expensive and resource intensive. 

But the good news is that every day it seems more research, experimentation, and implementation is going towards the advancement of renewable resources. We can only hope that we’re not too late to reverse the effects of carbon emissions that humanity has placed upon the planet.

As the potential for sustainable energy sources continues to unfold, we’re excited to remain at the forefront of sustainability in the transportation industry. Fluid Truck is actively researching clean energy for its vehicles and widening accessibility to the general public. Perhaps someday Fluid Truck users will be able to choose between renting an EV and a hydrogen-powered vehicle. For more information about our current clean energy offerings, click here

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