Fluid Truck’s Safe Driver Cup encourages safer driving through our proprietary telematics system. It’s a little device that fits in our vehicles that allows remote unlocking and locking and GPS tracking. These devices also monitor events that could cause unnecessary wear and tear or accidents, and then the Fluid Truck app displays this data to business owners. 

How does it work? We took a behavioral approach when designing the Safe Driver Cup and learned that using positive reinforcement (i.e. cash prizes for safe driving) is the optimal way to encourage safe driving practices. 

Which is why every week, we offer cash prizes to the top ten drivers using our vehicles! This is great if you’re a driver - but there are many benefits to business owners too. 

1. Extend the Life of Your Vehicles and Decrease Maintenance and Insurance Costs

Harsh braking and fast acceleration are some of the biggest factors that put wear-and-tear on your vehicles. That’s why we take these events into account with Safe Driver Scoring. Using our telematics in their owned fleet, businesses can keep an eye on how often these events are occurring in each of their vehicles to intervene before it becomes a problem. 

In the Safe Driver Cup, your score is negatively affected by events like hard braking and excessive acceleration. Therefore, the Safe Driver Cup will discourage events like this from happening. This means you won’t have to worry about excessive wear on your brakes every trip.

On top of identifying different ways that driving habits negatively impact the lifespan of the vehicle, the Safe Drive Cup can also help keep insurance costs down. If your drivers are performing better on the road, that means they are less likely to generate unnecessary vehicle damage or cause accidents due to human error. 

2. Increase Driver Retention

By encouraging participation in Fluid Truck’s Safe Driver score, you are showing that you care about your drivers’ safety and well being. Plus, everybody loves a little extra pocket cash for their hard work. Add in the competitive element, and now you’ve got three ways to increase job satisfaction for your drivers.

3. Protect Your Cargo, Vehicles, Brand Reputation and - Most Importantly - Your Drivers

Nobody likes getting a package with broken items inside due to reckless driving causing goods to shift in transit. With Fluid Truck’s Safe Driver Cup, you can protect your business reputation and your customer’s items. 

Additionally, on average there are 6 million car accidents each year in the US causing injuries (27%), property damage (72%), and even death (6%). Of the over 300,000 fatal accidents that occur annually, more than half could have been prevented by safer driving (with 33% are due to reckless driving and 30% due to speeding). 

This means that adjusting driving habits, such as speeding and recklessness, could help prevent over 60% of traffic accidents. The bottom line is that discouraging these dangerous habits will keep everyone on the road safer,

Ready to get started? It’s easy to sign up for the Safe Driver Cup. Simply download the Fluid Truck app to create an account and follow these steps to sign up.

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