In effort to stay on top of the game, Fluid Truck has transformed its email interactions to enhance the user experience and provide tailored, intuitive communications. Join us as we take you through the journey of revamping our transactional emails, showcasing the collaborative efforts and user-centric approach behind the scenes.

What are transactional communications?

Transactional communications are any and all communications sent from a company to a user when a commercial transaction or event has occurred. For example, the email you get when you create an account, update your password, make a purchase, request an invoice, or return a purchase. 

Unlike promotional communications, these types of communications are sent to individuals one at a time instead of in bulk, and contain tailored user specific information based on actions the recipient took. 

Refreshing our transactional communications

Fluid Truck has grown over the years; what was once a marketplace to rent anything has transformed into a commercial vehicle rental platform. We noticed our transactional communications were not up to par and needed to be improved. 

In evaluating our customers’ journeys, we realized that our prior transactional emails did not include all relevant information to our users, and it was time for a refresh! 

You may have noticed our updated transactional emails went live recently. A fresh redesign makes the email more visually appealing and easier to find important information before, during and after reservations.

We also updated our copy to ensure only relevant account and reservation information is included. We hope the updated emails make managing your Fluid Truck account and reservations easier than before. 

Process of revamping our transactional email communications

The process to revamp our email communications was a cross-departmental effort that included input from the marketing, communications, product, design, and engineering departments. The main goal of our transactional emails was to get our users confident and comfortable with the Fluid Truck app and experience prior to their reservations. The goal is also to educate users on what to expect during their reservations, and where to go if any questions arise. 

With these goals in mind, we created a flow chart of emails that we would send out based on each user action within the Fluid Truck app or website. We want to minimize the number of emails we send so we are not part of the email fatigue problem many people today face. We also wanted to make sure an email was easy to search for in your inbox. 

After creating the flowchart, we moved into reworking the copy that would be included in each email. We wanted to only include the most relevant information for users during the account creation and booking process, allowing users to be able to find important information efficiently. 

Our hopes were to make our emails more intuitive. The whole process was designed for our users and wanted to make using Fluid Truck easier and better than before! 

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