Finding new ways to incorporate sustainability into your business has never been more important – for the sake of the planet, of course, but also for the relevancy of your company. 

Research performed by TrendForce indicates that by 2025, more than 25% of global vehicle sales will be electric vehicles, including BEVs, PHEVs, and FCVs. For this reason, it may be in the best interest of companies across all industries to start incorporating EV infrastructure in their facilities.

At Fluid Truck, we’ve seen firsthand the positive change that EV chargers can make for a business. With several chargers already installed at our headquarters and plans to bring in even more, we’ve learned the ins and outs of all things EV hands-on. 

We’re eager to share our knowledge with other business owners to help make the transition to EVs as smooth as possible. Read on to learn more about the benefits of EV chargers and how Fluid Truck can be the resource you need throughout your installation.

Benefits of Installing EV Chargers

Companies with high transportation needs should start looking at alternatives to gas-powered vehicles. EVs are an excellent solution and make a great investment for the future of the planet and the business. However, those operating in other fields can benefit from incorporating EV chargers in the workplace as well. Here are a few of the reasons you might want to consider installing these stations sooner rather than later.

Attract More Customers

Transportation and shipping companies that often utilize electric vehicles will need EV chargers on site. But plenty of other businesses can also expect to pull in a great deal more traffic by installing EV chargers at the workplace.

Restaurants and stores with EV chargers in the parking lot may see customers with electric cars choosing their facility over another. Hotels that offer EV charging can quickly become top hubs for travelers and tourists. Even landlords might experience a rise in offers from customers looking to lease a space that is already friendly to electric vehicles. Installing EV chargers adds value to both the property itself and the business as a whole.

Some EV chargers even connect to a network, allowing drivers to easily locate your business while they’re searching for a station to charge up. This can serve as extra, affordable  marketing. Studies have also found that electric vehicle drivers tend to earn a larger income than those who drive gas-powered vehicles. Providing them a convenient place to charge their cars means you might end up with high-income customers visiting your business more often.

Improve Your Community

Companies that support local infrastructure by utilizing local resources may focus on community improvement as part of their overall business goals. By incorporating EV chargers into your business locations, you can help lay the groundwork for, or expand upon, electric charging infrastructure in your community. This will create more incentive for your neighbors to buy electric cars, reinforcing your commitment to improve your community.

It’s important to note that the government has set aside funding to encourage the installation and use of electric vehicle charging stations. You may be able to take advantage of this funding for your own installation, making it a rather safe and cost-effective way to invest in the development of your business. Plus, you might even see some additional tax benefits.

Do Your Part for the Planet

Businesses use a lot of energy. Some more than others, but each and every company is responsible for finding ways to reduce energy consumption, even if it’s within their community or among their employees.

Whether it’s for your customers, your employees, or your own fleet of vehicles, you can establish your business as a leader in sustainability by bringing in EV chargers. Research shows that young consumers are more likely to patronize businesses that make sustainability a priority, even if their products cost more than non-sustainable businesses. Therefore, by showing your commitment to sustainability with EV chargers, you may be able to build your brand reputation while increasing customer loyalty at the same time.

Fluid Truck: Your EV Charging Experts

Looking to incorporate EV chargers at one of your business locations, but unsure where to start? Let Fluid Truck be your guide! We are a passionate industry leader in all things EV, dedicated to everything from renting out high quality electric vehicles to helping our fellow businesses install charging stations of their own. We’ve trucked through the process ourselves, making our experts a great resource for any professionals looking to embark on a journey to make the switch to electric vehicles.

Our experience has helped us to build  best practices for installing EV chargers. For example, we have established relationships with various EV charging manufacturers and tested both level 2 and level 3 chargers. Depending on the amount of power your fleet requires, we can help you figure out the right fit for your facility and whether or not you might be in need of power upgrades.

If you’re still early in the process of incorporating electric vehicles into your fleet, don’t worry! Fluid Truck has your back on that, too. We offer flexible scheduling on all our futuristic, eco-friendly electric vehicles. Whether you need a vehicle in a few hours or a month from now, simply access our easy-to-use app or website to locate and reserve the perfect vehicle for your transportation needs at any time.

To get in touch with one of our tried and true truck experts today, fill out our contact form. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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